Zone 4 - What to Plant in September

Zone 4 - What to Plant in September

Zone 4 growers typically don't have too many options to plant in September. Zone 4 first frost usually occurs in late September to early October. That being said, there's still some items you can still plant. It's the perfect time to plant garlic so you get a fast start next spring. Also there are several cover crops that can be planted now to help bring nutrients back to the garden this fall and early spring. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 4 in September.

The Nootka Rose garlic is certified, and has a strong and aggressive flavor great for cooking. The Nootka Rose garlic was created on a farm in Washington State. The cloves have a dark coloration that are typically brown with red streaks. The Nootka Rose's bulbs tend to yield anywhere from 15-24 cloves each. This variety is a very long storing silverskin garlic. Approximately 12-15 garlic bulbs per pound. Approximately 15-24 cloves per bulb.

The Florida Broadleaf is a favorite mustard in the Southern states. This mustard is a fast growing green, making it great for spring and fall eating. The Florida Broadleaf is mild-flavored and produces large, broad, rich green leaves of appetizing pungency.

The Dazzling Blue Kale is a beautiful, cold-tolerant lacinato-type that produces large blue-green leaves with deep purple veins. This kale is sure to add a delicious pop of color to any salad! This variety will survive freezing temperatures better than other lacinato types and will even intensify with cool temperatures.

Garland Serrate Leaf Greens is a delicious Japanese green that is an edible chrysanthemum. This popular Japanese green has serrated, dark green aromatic leaves that have an excellent flavor that becomes stronger with age. Garland Serrate is easy to grow and produces high yields with side shoots.

The Old Fashioned Mustard Green is a real Southern treat! This green is a favorite that can be eaten fresh or cooked, but is best enjoyed either steamed or sautéed in our opinion! The Old Fashioned Mustard is easy to grow and care for, making it a great addition to any garden.

The Red Giant is a large mustard with an excellent, pungent flavor. This variety is a large purple-red leaf type. The Red Giant is great used as an ornamental or salad garnish. This variety's flavor has a slight hint of wasabi and grey poupon.

The Upland Cress is a highly nutritious aquatic herb. This cress is a slow to bolt green, but once it's established it will take off and have a long growing season! Upland's 6-8" rosettes of dark green, glossy, rounded leaves are very tasty and refreshing. Upland is very similar to watercress, but is much easier to grow!

The Brilliant Rainbow Quinoa blends beautifully into meals or salads. Just like its name, this quinoa contains a spectrum of many different colored heads - red, orange, gold, white, and green. The Brilliant Rainbow Quinoa's leaves have a salty spinach-like flavor. Harvest for greens when 6-8" tall or let grow for beautiful tall blooms that can be harvested for grain. This Quinoa's grain has a nutty flavor that goes well with any dish!

Tendergreen mustard is a prized leafy green known for its mild flavor and tender texture, making it a favorite in both culinary and gardening circles. This variety of mustard greens has its roots in traditional Southern U.S. agriculture, where it has been cultivated for its versatility and ease of growth. Characterized by its large, bright green leaves with a smooth, slightly wrinkled texture, Tendergreen mustard is valued for its mild, peppery flavor that becomes more pronounced when cooked. The plants grow rapidly, reaching maturity in about 40 to 50 days, and are known for their robust, upright growth habit, typically standing 12 to 18 inches tall. They produce small, yellow flowers in early spring if allowed to bolt, though they are primarily grown for their leaves. Tendergreen mustard thrives in cool weather and can be grown in a variety of soil types as long as they are well-drained. The plant’s resilience and quick harvest make it ideal for successive plantings, providing a continuous supply of fresh greens. With its rich flavor, adaptable growing conditions, and rapid growth, Tendergreen mustard is a valuable addition to any vegetable garden.

The German Extra Hardy garlic is a prolific producer of long rooted garlic that can store in the ground throughout winter. This variety has pale white skin with dark red cloves. The German Extra Hardy has a strong raw flavor and high sugar content, making it one of the very best for roasting. Hardneck, 4-7 cloves per bulb.

The Curled Cress is a highly nutritious aquatic green. This cress has been cultivated for hundreds of years. This peppery and pungent cress has the same tangy flavor as watercress, as they are of the same botanical family. Curled cress is great for seed sprouting or microgreen growing!

The Mizuna Purple Mustard produces bright purple tinged and sharply serrated green leaves. This is a tasty variety that is fast maturing and slow bolting.

The Roquette Arugula has tender smooth leaves that thrive in the cooler weather. This peppery-mustard-flavored arugula is a staple of fine cuisine! The Roquette Arugula grows fast and is great for spicing up any meal!

Beautiful round-edged leaves that form a compact rosette. Tatsoi can be harvest as young tender leaf or wait for maturity. Mild flavor that intensifies as the leaves mature. Popular as a baby leaf for salads; also excellent when added to soups or stir-fries. Cut leaves as needed at any stage or harvest the whole head.

Mizuna Green Mustard is a tasty Asian spinach variety that is amazing raw in different salads or cooked. This variety's narrow green leaves are very tasty and have a non-pungent flavor. Mizuna Green Mustard is fast growing and produces high yields. This green is popularly used in many salad mixes! Organic seed available.

The Hon Tsai Tai has deep purple tender stalks with a slight mustard flavor that is great in different salads or cooked into stir fries! Its green leaves have petite florets that are best harvested right before the bright yellow blossoms open. Hon Tsa Tai is best grown in mid to late summer.

The Green Frills Mustard is a vibrantly frilly green with deep cuts. With an upright growth habit, this variety's leaves are a bright green with a delicious, crisp peppery taste. Green Frills Mustard is great at resisting bolting!

California Late is the most commonly used garlic in the United States. This variety produces large bulbs with 12-16 good size cloves. California Late is more on the hot side with a classic garlic flavor. California Late is later maturing than California Early, as it ripens in July. It stores for about 8-12 months. California Late is a really great all around use garlic that is also excellent for baking.