Container Vegetables

Container Vegetables

These vegetable varieties grow well in containers. If you don't have much space and want to grow in containers these are the best vegetables for you. These varieties are more compact and easy to care for. Its still important to choose the right size container, location for sunlight and drainage in the container.

The delicious Glacier Tomato is one of the earliest tomatoes around! This 2-3 ounce red saladette tomato is ready in just 55 days. This tomato variety is wonderful for salads or sliced up for fresh eating! The Glacier plant is perfect for small spaces, such as patio containers, and typically grows to be 24-30 inches tall.

Waltham 29 produces incredibly high yields for broccoli! This variety is known for its good color, cold resistance, dwarf compact plant, and big side shoots. Main heads are 4-8" with steady side shoot production after main head is harvested.

The Red Petite Bell Pepper is a red mini bell pepper that is bursting with flavor! This high yielding mini bell pepper is sweet and ripens to a rich red when mature. This pepper variety grows to 2-3 ounces, which is the perfect snack sized pepper. The Red Petite Bell is an excellent pepper for market selling or fresh eating!

The Petite Mix Bell is a blend of our favorite mini bell peppers that are a sweet flavor explosion! These tiny peppers ripens to a rich yellow, red and purple colors when mature. The Petite Mix Bell blend is high yielding and produces 2-3 ounce peppers that make the perfect snack sized pepper. This mix is excellent for market selling or home growing for adding into salads!

The Yellow Petite Bell Pepper is a mini bell pepper with flavor explosion! This sweet mini pepper variety that is high yielding and ripens to a rich yellow when mature. The Yellow Petite Bell grows to 2-3 ounces which is the perfect snack sized pepper that is excellent for market selling or fresh eating in salads or sandwiches!

The Bistro Blend is a component mixture of loose leaf lettuce and batavian varieties. All the varieties in this blend have been selected for sweet flavor and thick leaves that stand up well in a rough chopped salad. This blend's colors range from red, bronze, dark green and bright green. This Bistro Blend is a garden favorite with production all year long.

The Outredegeous Lettuce is a deep, dark purple red romaine that will maintain its dark color even under low-light conditions! This mesmerizing variety is a wonderful baby leaf type and large loose leaf type, making it the perfect lettuce for salad growers. You can start using its leaves after 28 days. Outredegeous seeds are a natural mix of black and white.

King Richard is a newer leek variety that grows well throughout the United States. This leek variety is a summer type, non-bulbing leek that grows to 12" in length. King Richard has green leaves with white inside. This leek is a very early maturer and is not sufficient for overwinter growing.

The Tokyo Long Bunching Onion is a tender bunching type, loved by many chefs! This long variety grows an upright single stalk with dark green leaves little, white crisp bulbs. This tender and tasty onion is also heat tolerant.

The Buena Mulata Pepper is beautiful ornamental hot pepper that ripens from a vivid violet to zesty orange, then to deep red! This old heirloom variety traces back to Horace Pippin, an African-American folk artist. When ripe, the pepper will get to around 6 inches in length and will have a heat level that is similar to a cayenne pepper. The Buena Mulata can be used fresh or dried to give any dish a slight kick!

The Blue Curled Scotch Kale can be used as a garnish and or in hearty winter dishes. This kale variety is a compact plant with very tender, blue-green, crinkled leaves that are quite delicious, very cold hardy, and rich in vitamin A.

The Green Sprouting Calabrese produces very large dark green heads bursting with flavor. Produces compact dark green central head, with many lateral or side shoots over a long season. Good in short season areas with cool nights. Slow bolting with great flavor and popular among gardeners.

The Roquette Arugula has tender smooth leaves that thrive in the cooler weather. This peppery-mustard-flavored arugula is a staple of fine cuisine! The Roquette Arugula grows fast and is great for spicing up any meal!

The Galaxy of Stars Eggplant is a breathtaking purple and white variety with a delicious flavor that is out of this world! This plump eggplant variety's unique striations will remind you of a galaxy full of stars. This plant produces fruits that are 3-4 inches long and are topped with a green calyx.

The Green Sprouting Calabrese produces large dark green heads bursting with flavor. This broccoli with is a favorite, that now is available as organic seed! Good in short season areas with cool nights. It will produce many lateral or side shoots over a long season. It is slow bolting with a flavor that can't be beat.

The Dwarf Grey Sugar Pea is one of our customer favorite peas! Produces an abundance of attractive purple and blue flowers. These flowers are edible, have a light pea flavor and look great on many dishes. The mature peas are very flavorful and is ideal for steaming, stir-frying or eating fresh out of the garden. Dwarf Grey Sugar Pea is suitable for northern and southern regions, as it is tolerant to heat and cold.

The Mariachi Pepper is a 2006 All American Selection winner! This colorful pepper has just a bit of mildly hot heat. The compact 18-24" plants yield loads of 4", coned shaped peppers that change brilliantly from creamy yellow to bright red all summer. Avg. 4,690 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.

The Bride eggplant gets its name for its long white and purple blush appearance and white, tender flesh. This variety is very similar to the White Comet, however the Bride is open-pollinated. This Oriental eggplant has a delicate eggplant taste and is bitter free. Bride can be eaten fresh if picked young.