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The Bouquet Dill is an early maturing dill variety with dark feathered green leaves that produces an intoxicating, tangy aroma. The Bouquet is easy to grow and is popular for its flavor and uniform foliage. It can be used to enhance salads, soups and more. Along with its amazing culinary properties, the Bouquet is also perfect for filling in bouquets and cut flowers.
The Bouquet Dill is an early maturing dill variety with dark feathered green leaves that produces an intoxicating, tangy aroma. This early flowering favorite is now available in organic seeds! The Bouquet is easy to grow and is popular for its flavor and uniform foliage. It can be used to enhance salads, soups and more. Along with its amazing culinary properties, the Bouquet is also perfect for filling in bouquets and cut flowers.
The Mammoth Long Island Dill is an attractive, tall, large-sized dill variety that has a lovely, tangy aroma that is perfect as a pickling spice. The leaves, immature flower tops and mature seeds are all used as an essential pickling spice. This easy-to-grow productive herb will reseed itself if allowed. As a companion plant, the Mammoth Long Island Dill can enhance the growth of cabbages, onions, lettuce and tomatoes.
The Dukat Dill is a popular, improved dill variety that produces a high amount of its essential oil! This dill's attractive ferny foliage is best when used fresh or dried in dips, salads, soups and sauces - as well as to flavor peas and potatoes.