The Crnkovic Yugoslavian Tomato is a full flavored, mid-sized bright red tomato that has a perfect beefsteak shape that is juicy inside. This variety produces heavy yields of pink beefsteaks that rarely cracks and can weigh up to a pound each. Fruits have perfect shape and a juicy flavor.
The Ruby Red Lettuce is an early variety that produces good yields of bright green to ruby red colored leaves. This beautiful variety is a very heat tolerant lettuce that is slow to bolt. Ruby Red's color does not fade in the hot weather! This lettuce is excellent for adding color to salads or garnishes.
Tendergreen Improved is one of the highest yielding beans around. The Tendergreen Improved bean plant is a widely adapted home garden variety. These bean plants will produce some of the highest bean yields you'll ever see. Best eaten fresh.
The Red Pear Tomato is an old time favorite heirloom that always pleases everybody! This variety is a bright red, pear-shaped tomato with a history dating back to Colonial times. The Red Pear's plants are very prolific and are producers of 1-2" long tomatoes that are great on salads, sauces or roasted in the oven.
The Aunt Ruby German Green Tomato is an old time heirloom favorite for the garden that has an unmatchable juicy and spicy flavor! This giant, green beefsteak grows to be 4-5" and weighs over 1 lb.
The beautiful Moranga squash's name comes from the traditional Brazilian dish called 'Camarão na moranga' which also means 'shrimp in a squash.' This squash is also known as the 'Pink Pumpkin.' The Moranga can get to be 4-8 pounds and range in color from light pink to salmon.
The Orient Wonder bean is a white seeded yard-long bean with tender pods. This type of pole bean is sometimes called asparagus or yard-long bean. Popular in warm and humid areas, where plants are vigorously vining. Extra-long, slender pods are slow to form seeds, resulting in more tender beans that can be harvested over an extended period. Orient Wonder is popular for specialty and ethnic markets and superior to standard strains due to its ability to set in cooler climates.
Red Currant tomatoes are a charming heirloom variety renowned for their tiny, jewel-like fruits and exceptional sweetness. Believed to have origins in both Europe and North America, this variety has been cherished for its prolific nature and unique characteristics. The tomatoes are notably small, often the size of a pea, and grow in clusters reminiscent of currants, hence the name. They are bright red when ripe and possess a delightful, tangy-sweet flavor that makes them perfect for snacking, salads, and garnishes. Red Currant tomatoes typically reach maturity in about 60 to 70 days, making them relatively quick to harvest. The plants exhibit a vigorous, indeterminate growth habit, meaning they produce an abundant yield throughout the growing season and require staking or caging to manage their sprawling vines. With their vibrant color, sweet flavor, and impressive productivity, Red Currant tomatoes are a favorite among gardeners looking to add both beauty and a burst of flavor to their gardens.
The Taylor Dwarf Horticulture Bean, also known as the Taylor Horticulture Bean or simply Taylor Dwarf Bean, is a popular heirloom bean variety prized for its delicious flavor and historical significance. This bean variety has a rich history dating back to the early 19th century in the United States. It is a bush-type bean, which means it grows in a compact, bushy form rather than climbing like pole beans. Taylor Dwarf Horticulture Beans are highly regarded for their superb taste, which is characterized by a creamy texture and a slightly nutty, earthy flavor. The beans are typically harvested when they are young and tender, making them ideal for fresh consumption or canning. The pods of the Taylor Dwarf Horticulture Bean are medium-sized and typically measure around 4-5 inches in length. The plants themselves are relatively small and bushy, reaching a height of about 18-24 inches, which makes them suitable for smaller gardens or container gardening. This variety has a relatively short maturity period, typically taking around 55-60 days from planting to harvest. The beans themselves are a pale cream or off-white color. Taylor Dwarf Horticulture Beans are known for their good disease resistance, which helps ensure a healthy crop. In terms of yield, you can expect a respectable harvest of beans per row, with each plant producing multiple pods. Proper spacing between plants should be around 4-6 inches apart in rows that are spaced about 18-24 inches apart. These beans thrive in well-drained soil with good organic matter content and prefer full sun for optimal growth. Adequate moisture and regular harvesting will help ensure a bountiful crop of these delicious and historically significant beans.
The Mushroom Basket is a large, uniquely shaped tomato with a delicious juicy sweet flavor, originating from Russia. This plant produces enormous 8-16 ounce ruffled tomatoes that are colored bright pink. These plants are Indeterminate and do require a sturdy trellis. The Mushroom Basket tomatoes are the perfect tomatoes for slicing!
The Fiesta is a beautiful, heavy yielding broccoli . Uniform plants are medium height, giving rise to 5-7" blue-green heads. Heavy yields that are disease resistant, which is definitely a reason to celebrate!
Atlas F1 asparagus is an early, vigorous and excellent yielder. 20-50% higher yielding than UC 157 F1. Medium to large green spears with slight purple at the tip and butt. Tightly headed for smooth appearance; tapering spears with cylindrical shape. Tolerant to fusarium, rust, blight and cercospora foliar diseases. Free of AV II.
The Snow Crown cauliflower is a delicious, mild and sweet hybrid. This cauliflower's head will get to 7-8 inches across and 1-2 pounds. The Snow Crown is extra early and adaptable and can be harvested in summer or fall. Be careful not to under-fertilize or water, stress can cause a purplish discoloration on the undersides of the head.
The Islander Pepper is known as the chameleon as it is beautiful pepper to watch its colorful display! This color-crazy pepper starts out as a violet hue, then turns to a yellow/orange and then finally deep red! This variety can be picked at any of these stages to provide awesome color to salads and meals. The Islander is a thick-fleshed, medium-sized bell pepper with 3-lobes that have a mild, slightly sweet taste. This colorful pepper also has a resistance to tobacco mosaic virus.
The Moneymaker Tomato is a terrific, high yielding heirloom that produces delicious, bright red and smooth fruits that are perfect for fresh eating. This variety's vine can grow to 5-6' and produce very heavy yields of 4-6 ounce fruits. This tasty heirloom tomato does well in hot humid climates and greenhouse growing. The Moneymaker originates from England and produces vigorous vines that should be staked for best results.
Waltham 29 produces incredibly high yields for broccoli! This variety is known for its good color, cold resistance, dwarf compact plant, and big side shoots. Main heads are 4-8" with steady side shoot production after main head is harvested.
Silvia is a great choice for small gardens. Grows on a compact plant that reaches 2' tall. They may be short but they are packed full of 45+ sprouts per stalk. This early maturing is great roasted, sautéed or steamed. For the sweetest flavor harvest in the fall after several frost.
Redarling produces beautiful purplish sprouts with firm heads. The uncommon color and mild taste make Redarling ideal for fresh market sales. Produces high yield potential.