
Tomato Seeds

Shop a wide variety of tomato seeds and plants. Several colors, sizes, shapes and taste you are sure to find some tomatoes that will work for you. Choose from cherry, beefsteak, slicers, roma and more!

Extra sweet berry size red fruits with large bunches on the vine. Good for cluster picking and the skin does not split easily. Long shelf-life and high production numbers. Profi-Frutti™ produces indeterminate tomato plants that are excellent in tunnels, greenhouses and outdoors. Crunchy fruit with a high transport tolerance and long shelf-life. Crop time from young plant until red fruit is 11-13 weeks.

Rosella produces large trusses of purple cherries with a smoky blush. These cherry tomatoes contain very few seeds with great flavor. Superior balance of sweetness and acidity, with a rich, lingering aftertaste.

The absolute best sauce tomato for home gardeners and market growers. This tomato is packed full of flavor. Produces firm, deep red fruits that cook down beautifully to make the smoothest pasta sauces and pastes you’ve ever had. A very productive plant that will produce a large crop of medium-sized dense oblong fruits with a sweet flavor profile.

The Big Beef Tomato is an All American Selection winner beefsteak tomato variety that has been a farm favorite for a reason! This tomato variety produces delicious 12 ounce, deep oblate to globe shaped red fruits. This high yielding, high quality tomato is crack and highly disease resistant.

The Pink Bumble Bee has a sweet fruity flavor that is great for fresh eating and is part of the beautiful and tasty Artisan tomato collection! The attractive mix of light pinks, yellows and oranges of this tomato is a treat for your mouth and eyes. The Pink Bumble Bee is beautiful in mixes with the other Artisan tomatoes.

One of the most well rounded and adaptable tomatoes in the United States. This is so popular and grown around the world. Produces rich, meaty beefsteak tomatoes are very versatile - great for slicing, canning, drying and salsas. Enjoy a bountiful yield of delicious sweet, juicy beefsteak tomatoes all season long.

The Vintage Wine Tomato is a favorite tomato among gourmet gardeners! This is a wonderful tomato plant to add to your garden as it grows large tomatoes that can reach 1.5 lbs. This variety produces big pink colored tomatoes with golden stripes that have a great tender, sweet and mild flavor. The Vintage Wine plant has potato leave foliage.

The Early Cascade Tomato is an early maturing bright red saladette type of tomato that has a wonderful fresh taste in salads! This very productive variety produces little 4 ounce vibrant tomatoes in clusters of 5-8 fruits.

The Green Zebra is a beautiful gold ripening tomato with dark-green "zebra-like" stripes that has an extra tasty lemon-lime flavor. This small 2-inch tomato variety is great for adding extra color in salads and sauces. Once you start growing Green Zebra's in your garden, you will keep them for years to come!

The SunSugar Tomato is an early maturing cherry tomato with a high sugar content that is a customer favorite for a reason! These beautiful cherry sized orange tomatoes will be the first tomato to harvest in early summer. Every 1/2 oz. fruit has 3 times more vitamin A found in most other red tomatoes. Not only does this variety contain more nutrients but it is sweeter than candy and impossible to eat just one! SunSugar is crack resistant with very vigorous, heavy yields and no need for staking!

The Early Doll Tomato is a bright red, juicy tomato that is an improvement of the Quick Pick, making it a good slicing variety. This variety is a great tomato to grow in Northern areas where the season is short, however this tomato plant is also great for Southern locations where you can harvest the crop before insects and disease start to take over.

The Marglobe Supreme Tomato is great for home and market growing as it is the highest producing tomato plant that we have ever seen! The Marglobe Supreme tomato plant was originally released by the USDA in 1925 and was first developed in 1917 from a cross between 'Marvel' and 'Globe'. Marglobe Supreme has been in demand for several generations while many other varieties have come and gone. This high yielding tomato plant is stocky, vigorous, and has excellent disease tolerance. Its vine growth is uniform and provides good protection from sun scald. The Marglobe Supreme produces high yields of crack resistant  4-6 ounce, smooth and round shaped tomatoes that are perfect for canning.

2005 American Selection Tomato! Juicy half ounce fruits, pointed oval shape, reddish pink, very sweet. Ultra high sugar content (9.5 BRIX) make 1/2 ounce fruits irresistible. Very productive vines keep setting huge clusters of fruits all season long. Terrific curb appeal.

The Ace 55 Tomato is a heart, beefy, thick walled tomato variety with low acid content. This tomato type has a bright red color and can grow to about 12 oz. in size. The Ace 55 grows somewhat large on its disease resistant indeterminate vines. This favored variety is great for the farmers market!

Crunchy orange fruits with a perfect sweet/acidic balance. High production with long trusses and shelf-life. 11 +/- Brix. Profi-Frutti™ produces indeterminate tomato plants that are excellent in tunnels, greenhouses and outdoors. Crunchy fruit with a high transport tolerance and long shelf-life. Crop time from young plant until red fruit is 11-13 weeks.

Small, delicious, sweet red berry- sized fruits with hundreds on a plant. Indeterminate plant.

Sparky is one of the few extended shelf life (XSL) cherry tomatoes available to home gardeners. This cherry tomato is early to mature, prolific and very flavorful. Fruits are well suited for market growers and produce a large number of usable fruits per plant.

The Baby Roma, also known as the "Cherry Roma," is a miniature roma-shaped tomato that is bursting with an intense sweet flavor. This tomato variety is great for garden snacking, adding into salads and growing for market production. The Baby Roma plant produces an incredibly heavy set of 1” grape-type tomato fruits that have a very long shelf life.