Slicing Tomatoes

Slicing Tomatoes

There are several great slicing tomato varieties available for home gardens. We have a large assortment of slicer tomatoes.

The Crnkovic Yugoslavian Tomato is a full flavored, mid-sized bright red tomato that has a perfect beefsteak shape that is juicy inside. This variety produces heavy yields of pink beefsteaks that rarely cracks and can weigh up to a pound each. Fruits have perfect shape and a juicy flavor.

We believe this is the best tasting tomato available and even beats Brandywine for flavor. Productive plants produce large crops of 12 oz. fruits. Excellent tomato flavor. This strain was obtained from J. D. Green in Tennessee and is thought to be from the Cherokee Nation. Plants are indeterminate, but seldom grow more than 4' tall.

The Great White Tomato is an award winning white beefsteak tomato! This unique variety has a creamy inside that grows up to 12 ounces. The Great White is an excellent big multi-purpose slicer with an unique color and a great taste that is low in acid.

Chef's Choice Green Tomatoes are a delightful and unique variety of tomatoes known for their vibrant green color and exceptional flavor. These tomatoes have a fascinating history rooted in the world of culinary innovation. Developed by renowned tomato breeder Brad Gates, the Chef's Choice series was created to provide chefs and home gardeners with a range of exceptional tomato varieties. The green version, Chef's Choice Green, stands out for its outstanding qualities. Chef's Choice Green Tomatoes typically grow to a medium to large size, with fruit that can reach diameters of 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 centimeters). They have a slightly flattened, beefsteak-like shape, which is ideal for slicing and adding to salads or sandwiches. The tomatoes are known for their rich, complex flavor, balancing a sweet and tangy taste with a hint of earthiness, making them a versatile choice for culinary creations. The plants that produce Chef's Choice Green Tomatoes are indeterminate, meaning they continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the growing season. They are known for their vigorous growth, often reaching heights of 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters) or more, depending on growing conditions. These plants thrive in warm climates with plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil. Adequate support and pruning may be necessary to manage their size and ensure healthy fruit production. Overall, Chef's Choice Green Tomatoes are a fantastic addition to any garden, offering a unique and delicious twist on traditional tomato varieties.

The Tasty Evergreen Tomato is a green fleshed heirloom with a tasty, strong sweet flavor. This tomato was introduced by Glecklers Seedmen of Metamora, Ohio in 1956. This delicious large heirloom ripens to grapefruit yellow with a lime-green flesh, giving it a very sweet flavor. This very productive, medium-sized beefsteak grows well throughout the United States. The Tasty Evergreen produces a continual harvest throughout the season.

The Kellogg's Breakfast Tomato is an heirloom variety that produces big, bright orange fruits that are meaty and juicy with only a few seeds! This large tomato can weigh 1 pound or more! This variety has thin skin and a sweet tangy flavor. Kellogg's Breakfast will brighten up your day!

The Tropic VFN Tomato is a beautiful, large and firm red variety with a delicious juicy flavor that is perfect for greenhouse production! This variety is disease tolerant in hot humid climates.

The Black Prince Tomato is an attractive dark red and black colored juicy Russian heirloom tomato that has a rich distinctive flavor! This dark variety produces beautiful, smooth 2" oval tomatoes. The Black Prince is truly royalty!

The Golden Jubilee Tomato has a meaty, thick, golden-orange skin with a mild flavor and is an All American Selection winning tomato! This medium sized beefsteak has low acidity and high Vitamin C content, making it a great choice for fresh eating and perfect for home gardens! This tomato variety's fruits are produced in a heavy yield from upright and uniform indeterminate vines, which makes this variety easy to manage. The Golden Jubilee was first introduced in 1943 by the Maule Seed Company of Philadelphia and has a flavor that is not too strong and pairs well with other ingredients.

The Vintage Wine Tomato is a favorite tomato among gourmet gardeners! This is a wonderful tomato plant to add to your garden as it grows large tomatoes that can reach 1.5 lbs. This variety produces big pink colored tomatoes with golden stripes that have a great tender, sweet and mild flavor. The Vintage Wine plant has potato leave foliage.

The Early Cascade Tomato is an early maturing bright red saladette type of tomato that has a wonderful fresh taste in salads! This very productive variety produces little 4 ounce vibrant tomatoes in clusters of 5-8 fruits.

The Green Zebra is a beautiful gold ripening tomato with dark-green "zebra-like" stripes that has an extra tasty lemon-lime flavor. This small 2-inch tomato variety is great for adding extra color in salads and sauces. Once you start growing Green Zebra's in your garden, you will keep them for years to come!

The Early Doll Tomato is a bright red, juicy tomato that is an improvement of the Quick Pick, making it a good slicing variety. This variety is a great tomato to grow in Northern areas where the season is short, however this tomato plant is also great for Southern locations where you can harvest the crop before insects and disease start to take over.

The Marglobe Supreme Tomato is great for home and market growing as it is the highest producing tomato plant that we have ever seen! The Marglobe Supreme tomato plant was originally released by the USDA in 1925 and was first developed in 1917 from a cross between 'Marvel' and 'Globe'. Marglobe Supreme has been in demand for several generations while many other varieties have come and gone. This high yielding tomato plant is stocky, vigorous, and has excellent disease tolerance. Its vine growth is uniform and provides good protection from sun scald. The Marglobe Supreme produces high yields of crack resistant  4-6 ounce, smooth and round shaped tomatoes that are perfect for canning.

The Ace 55 Tomato is a heart, beefy, thick walled tomato variety with low acid content. This tomato type has a bright red color and can grow to about 12 oz. in size. The Ace 55 grows somewhat large on its disease resistant indeterminate vines. This favored variety is great for the farmers market!

The Pruden's Purple Tomato, also known as Prudence, is considered to be one of the best heirloom beefsteak tomatoes in America! This tomato variety is an indeterminate, potato leaf plant that has heavy yields of 10-16 ounce, dark pink fruits. Pruden's Purple produces only very few seeds and is widely adapted.

Hillbilly tomatoes, also known as "Hillbilly Potato Leaf" tomatoes, are a unique and heirloom variety of tomato with a rich history dating back several decades. These tomatoes are renowned for their distinctive appearance and delicious flavor. The fruit size of Hillbilly tomatoes can vary, but they typically range from large to very large, often exceeding 1 pound (0.45 kg) per fruit. Their shape is irregular and somewhat flattened, with deep ribbing and prominent shoulders, giving them a rustic and charming aesthetic. The plants of Hillbilly tomatoes are known for their vigorous growth and can reach a height of 5 to 7 feet (1.5 to 2.1 meters). They have potato-like leaves, which is how they earned their "Potato Leaf" moniker. These tall and sprawling plants require ample space and support to accommodate their robust growth. Hillbilly tomatoes are indeterminate, meaning they continue to produce fruit throughout the growing season, making them a favorite among home gardeners. When it comes to growing conditions, Hillbilly tomatoes thrive in full sun with well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. They prefer warm and consistent temperatures, making them suitable for summer cultivation in most regions. Adequate watering and regular pruning to encourage air circulation are essential for healthy plant development. Hillbilly tomatoes are cherished for their sweet and slightly tangy flavor, making them a popular choice for fresh salads, sandwiches, and canning due to their large fruit size and rich taste. Their unique appearance and historical significance make them a treasured addition to any garden or kitchen.  

The Ananas Noir Tomato, or also known as the Black Pineapple, is a beautiful, super sweet tomato originally from Belgium. This variety was introduced as "Pineapple" by Pascal Moreau in 2005. These non-vining tomatoes produce large 1-1.5 pound fruits. The delicious Ananas Noir has a sweet, rich flavor and a "tie-dyed" color in the interior when sliced open.