Market Production

Market Production

These vegetables have all the qualities needed for a farmers market. Growers will love the high yields, consistent shape, shelf life, flavor and disease resistance. Give these a shot and your customers will be delighted.

Blue Lake 274 is a popular variety of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) known for its exceptional taste and reliable performance in home gardens and commercial agriculture. This cultivar has a rich history, tracing its origins back to the Blue Lake region in California. Blue Lake 274 beans are beloved for their tender, crisp texture and sweet, earthy flavor, making them a favorite among gardeners and consumers alike. The Blue Lake 274 bean plant typically grows to a height of 18 to 24 inches, with a bushy, compact habit that makes it suitable for both garden beds and containers. It is classified as a bush bean, which means it doesn't require trellising or support structures. This variety is known for its relatively quick maturity, typically taking about 55 to 60 days from planting to harvest. The pods of Blue Lake 274 are long and slender, usually reaching a length of 6 to 7 inches. They are a vibrant green color and are prized for their straightness and uniformity. Blue Lake 274 beans exhibit resistance to common bean diseases such as bean mosaic virus and bean common mosaic virus, which contributes to their reliability and yield consistency. Speaking of yield, you can expect a bountiful harvest from this variety, with each row typically producing around 8 to 10 pounds of beans. For optimal growth, Blue Lake 274 beans thrive in well-drained, fertile soil with a pH level of 6.0 to 6.8. Plant them in rows with spacing of approximately 18 to 24 inches between plants. They require full sun exposure for at least 6 to 8 hours a day and should be watered consistently to keep the soil evenly moist. With the right care and conditions, Blue Lake 274 beans are sure to provide a delicious and productive addition to your garden.

The Tango is a reliable and fast growing celery variety! Tango celery is a great improvement over older celery varieties, as it is more tolerant of less than ideal conditions. This hybrid produces dark green, thick stalks with lots of great celery flavor. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

This Guinness World Record holding tomato plant set a record for yielding over 340lbs of fruit. This plant will produce an abundance of bright red, 10+oz. (455-g) fruits perfect for slicing, canning and making into sauces. First introduced by plant breeder John Peto as a hybrid between the Teddy Jones heirloom tomato and an unknown red variety. Their flavor is well-balanced, combining sweetness with a hint of acidity, making them perfect for fresh eating, salads, and sauces. These indeterminate plants continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the season, often reaching heights of 4-6 feet, necessitating staking or cage support. They thrive in warm climates and require full sun, ideally being planted after the last frost. With a growing period of about 70-75 days to maturity, Better Boy tomatoes are usually ready for harvesting from mid-summer through fall. Their robust nature and disease resistance make them a favorite for gardeners seeking a reliable and delicious crop.

Tall Utah is very dependable celery variety for home gardeners and market growers alike! This celery is a favorite that now comes in organic seeds. Tall Utah has dark green stalks that pacts in a crisp delicious flavor. Start seeds when weather has warmed up so that the crop matures in fall.

Marketmore 76 is an excellent open-pollinated slicer cucumber for its quality and yield potential. This plant produces an abundance of medium length 8-10 inches long cucumbers with dark green skin weighing 8-12 ounces. Its skin is slightly bumpy and can be left on or taken off for slicing and fresh eating. The Marketmore 76 is late maturing, but comes on strong in the middle of summer. This variety is a standard cucumber in home gardens and fresh markets! Organic seed available.

Great field cabbage performance. A rugged hybrid that produces well in Southern winters and Northern summers. Produces large, blue-green heads with cream colored inside. Uniform cabbage that works great for markets.

The Self Blanching cauliflower is known for its bright white curds with a delicious flavor! The Self Blanching cauliflower has self-wrapping leaves that help protect the white curds from sun, thus the name Self Blanching Cauliflower. Remember cauliflower likes cool weather plant seed early spring or fall for best crops.

The White Crenshaw Melon is an improved Crenshaw with a very creamy, light peach to white flesh that is perfectly sweet for long summer days! This variety has a very sweet, juicy flavor that is a fan favorite. This melon produces excellent foliage and is great for both market production and home gardening.

Strike beans are one of the heaviest yielding bush beans on the market. Continuous setting feature protects grower from stress, better than concentrated set types. Medium green, 5" round pod with good disease tolerance. Excellent flavor that is very popular with commercial growers.

Pinstripe is a compact, spineless eggplant ideal for container and patio gardening. Attractive plant bears prolific harvests of baby-sized Italian-type fruit. Suitable for small space gardens. Great for Grilling, roasting or stir fry.

Tongue of Fire is a great market bean with a vibrant red and cream speckled color! This bush bean is not only beautiful, but it is a very tasty bean! The fresh shell beans are large and round shaped. 6-7" stringless pods are great young. An Italian bean that can be eaten fresh, frozen or canned.

The Landreth Stringless bean is a very old heirloom that debuted by D. Landreth Seed Company in the late 1800's. A meaty bean, very flavorful, stringless bean and produces heavy yields. The pods are medium green in color and a little over 5” long. The seeds are a rich chocolate or coffee brown. This bean is excellent for the home garden, market garden and canner.