Seed Catalog

What to Plant in November

Don’t be sad, you can still grow a lot of different plants inside in November. This is a great time of the year to clone some of your outside plants or grow them from seed indoors. Grow indoor herbs on the windowsill!

Listed below are flower, vegetable and herb varieties that are great to start planting in November based on the Hardiness Zone that you live in.

Herbs (Zones 3-10):
Herbs are definitely the most popular indoor plant to grow throughout the winter months. Try your hand at an indoor herb garden with lots of varieties. Also check out the Urban Farmer Herb Kits
Learn More: How to Grow Herbs
Suggested varieties: Genovese Basil, Common Cilantro, Italian Plain Parsley

Indoor Flowers (Zones 3-10):
Growing flowers indoors can be a good way to pass the winter months. These beautiful flowers will brighten up your house and give off a nice aroma.
Suggested varieties: Celosia, Impatiens

Sprouts (Zones 3-10):
Growing sprouts indoors is a fun, quick and exciting way to spruce up salads and sandwiches. It doesn’t take much effort but you still get the reward of growing your own food.
Learn More: How to Grow Sprouts
Suggested varieties: Broccoli sprouts, Alfalfa sprouts

Vegetables (Zones 8-10):
If you live in some warmer climates it is a perfect time to plant some vegetables. Try some of the cool weather vegetables that can survive now that the summer heat is over.
Learn More: How to Grow Vegetables
Suggested varieties: Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Broccoli, Carrots