Zone 10 - What to Plant in January

Zone 10 - What to Plant in January

Zone 10 still has time to get some vegetables and flowers planted and grown before that heat kicks in. All the cool seasons vegetables like lettuce, spinach and broccoli should be direct sowed into your garden. Try some of the vegetables below.

SuperStar is a hybrid cabbage that produces the highest quality fresh market cabbages. It has excellent wrappers for a fancy pack along with excellent holding ability in the field and after harvest.

The Red Velvet Lettuce produces very dark maroon to greenish-bronze tinged colored leaves that have a nice chewy texture. This beautifully unique variety is a great choice for mixed salad greens. This lettuce is slow to bolt and will become bitter in the heat.

Nothing says "spring" like the crisp taste of a homegrown Easter Egg Radish! This variety is a bright color blend of red, white, rose pink, purple, and bi-color (red top, white bottom) that is perfect for salads and relish trays. At the harvest time, you can have your own "Easter Egg hunt" for the most colorful radish! After the harvest, you can eat them fresh in salads or slice and add them to sandwiches for a bit of crunch and color.

Fire Fresh hybrid swiss chard is excellent for baby leaf or spring mix production. Produces bright red petioles and medium-dark green leaves. Has an above normal growth rate and produces long oval leaves that have a slight texture.

The Ruby Red Lettuce is an early variety that produces good yields of bright green to ruby red colored leaves. This beautiful variety is a very heat tolerant lettuce that is slow to bolt. Ruby Red's color does not fade in the hot weather! This lettuce is excellent for adding color to salads or garnishes.

Round blue green 7-8 in. heads, 5-7 lb, standard storage type, does well in mountain areas, will adapt to Northeast, excellent yields, keeps until the late spring, very dependable.

The Pink Beauty Radish is named after its beautiful, uniformed light pink exterior that is crisp and jam packed full of flavor. This round beauty has a bright white flesh that is crunchy and with the perfect radish taste. This quick-growing variety is a great addition to any garden! The Pink Beauty will add a nice pop of color to any garden or dish.

An excellent variety for home gardens and markets. Copenhagen Market grows up to 3-4 lbs and 6-8" in diameter. Grows as a compact plant with short stems. Great for slow cooking, coleslaws and sauerkraut.

The Green Salad Bowl is a decorative rosette type of lettuce with closely set crispy leaves. This looseleaf lettuce's crumpled leaves hold water very well, making it a popular variety!

Sorrento is a speedy maturing broccoli that is reliable for fall or late winer growing. This is our favorite Raab for fresh market and home growers. This plant has uniform large florets with bluish-green narrow turnip-shape leaves. It has a tall, upright plant habit and a low bolt tolerance.

The Large White Ribbed Swiss Chard has a wide and flattened white stem. This variety is a popular heirloom chard that has tender and thick smooth leaves. The Large White Ribbed is very tasty and can even substitute asparagus when creamed.

Grand Rapid TBR lettuce is a versatile variety derived from the classic Grand Rapid lettuce, known for its resistance to diseases like downy mildew. Originating in the early 20th century, this loose-leaf type features frilled, light green leaves that form a rosette, offering both beauty and texture. The flavor is crisp and mild, making it a delightful addition to salads and sandwiches. Harvesting can begin around 45 days after planting, with the option to pick individual leaves for a continuous supply or to cut the entire head when fully mature. Grand Rapid TBR lettuce thrives in cooler climates and prefers well-drained soil, making it an excellent choice for both spring and fall gardens, particularly for home gardeners seeking a reliable and flavorful crop.

The spicy flavor, attractive purple stems, and green leaves of the Hong Vit Radish makes it the perfect addition to any salad! This radish is a longtime favorite that is now available in organic form. A very fast growing microgreen! Grows straight and attractive purple stems that are hairless. Micro radish leaves add spicy flavor, visual appeal, and bulk to mixes.

The Red Salad Bowl is a very popular loose-leaf heirloom lettuce that is heat resistant. This variety is an appealing, slow bolting deep red leaf lettuce with finely divided leaves. The Red Salad Bowl has a sweet and tender flavor and is a colorful delight for many dishes and salads! This variety is a favorite for being quick grow and great for cut and come again harvesting.

The Outredegeous Lettuce is a deep, dark purple red romaine that will maintain its dark color even under low-light conditions! This mesmerizing variety is a wonderful baby leaf type and large loose leaf type, making it the perfect lettuce for salad growers. You can start using its leaves after 28 days. Outredegeous seeds are a natural mix of black and white.

Plymouth spinach is a new variety that is great for processing or fresh market growing. It has smooth, medium-dark green leaves that are uniform in shape and size. Plymouth is a moderate to fast-growing variety and has great yield potential.

The Cheddar cauliflower lives up to its name with its awesome cheddar color and great flavor! This cauliflower is a novelty, orange curd that is high in beta-carotene. A mid-size plant, domed head, and is very productive in the fall. Fun to watch grow and eat!

The Sparkler Radish is a bright scarlet colored radish with a sweet, juicy flesh and snappy flavor. This variety's scarlet skin fades to white on lower 1/3 of its round, to round oval bulb. This radish's medium tops are perfect for both home and market gardens. Sparkler can grow up to 1.5" diameter.