Winter Squash

Winter Squash

Winter squash is harvested late in the growing season when it's fully mature. Rinds should be hard and taste best after cooking. Most winter squash have a vining habit and long fruit storage as compared to the bushy growth habit and shorter shelf life of summer squash.

The Long Island Cheese Squash got its name by resembling a large wheel of cheese and has been a favorite since the 1800s! This dark orange, ribbed winter squash can weigh 6-12 pounds. The Long Island Cheese has a sweet delicate flavor that is perfect for pies and other sweet baked treats. This squash will keep up to 6 months in storage. Certified Organic

The Cushaw Green Striped Squash is a great squash for baking, especially in pies. This squash variety has a long curved neck that is around 10x17" in size with a white and green rind. Cut the Cushaw Green Striped open to find a nice surprise of a tender, pale yellow flesh that is bursting with flavor!

The Sweet Dumpling Squash has a very sweet, deep orange flesh that is excellent for stuffing. This winter squash is a small, 4"  teacup-shaped fruit that grows up to 1 lb. in size. This variety grows on medium length vines. The Sweet Dumpling's skin is a creamy ivory color with dark green stripes and is a great squash to serve as a single-serving.

The Iran Winter Squash is a large and pumpkin-like squash. This 50 plus pound squash has a silver green to salmon orange exterior. The ornamental Iran is drought and heat tolerant making it perfect for fall decorations. These squashes can be stored for more than a year!

The Long Island Cheese Squash got its name by resembling a large wheel of cheese and has been a favorite since the 1800s! This dark orange, ribbed winter squash can weigh 6-12 pounds. The Long Island Cheese has a sweet delicate flavor that is perfect for pies and other sweet baked treats. This squash will keep up to 6 months in storage.

Atlas hybrid butternut offers high yields of uniformly-sized and shaped fruit for market growers. Atlas matures in 110 days making it a mid-maturing squash. This plant has strong plant vigor and short vines. The fruit color is cream with dark orange flesh. This winter squash has a cylindrical shape with a slight bulb, making it ideal for processing.

The beautiful Moranga squash's name comes from the traditional Brazilian dish called 'Camarão na moranga' which also means 'shrimp in a squash.' This squash is also known as the 'Pink Pumpkin.' The Moranga can get to be 4-8 pounds and range in color from light pink to salmon.

The Chieftain PMT F1 Squash is a small early butternut hybrid that has an amazing storage and shipping potential for market production. This compact two pound squash has fine-grained flesh that is perfect for roasting or stuffing. The Chieftain PMT F1 is improved to be powdery mildew tolerant.

The Table Queen Acorn Squash is a customer favorite winter squash. This variety is a medium sized, acorn shaped, vining type. The flesh of this heirloom acorn is a sweet golden yellow that turns more orange in storage, contrasting with its dark green and ribbed rind. Harvest before frost, leaving part of the stem attached to the fruit. Organic certified.

The Blue Hubbard Squash is a beautiful variety that is known for it's delicious taste and big size! This variety is slightly tapered at both ends and has a bumpy, blue outside, hence its name. The Blue Hubbard has a delicious, sweet, yellow flesh that has a wonderful flavor, making it great for market production or home garden. The plant's average yield is 1 or sometimes 2 fruits/plant.

The Buttercup Burgess is a great squash with a nice, sweet flesh that keeps very well. This variety is a relatively early maturing winter squash. The Buttercup Burgess' plant is bushy and fairly compact.

The Golden Hubbard Squash is probably the best eating quality squash, and the tastiest, of all the other Hubbards around! This variety produces sweet fruits packed with dry, fine-grained flesh. This winter squash is tasty when fresh, canned or frozen and it keep very well.

The Kikuza is a unique, pumpkin-like delicious Japanese heirloom squash. This variety can grow to be a large 5 lbs. with an orange ribbed rind, with a thick, juicy, spicy and tender flesh. The Kikuza has a wonderful flavor and is great baked or roasted.

The Little Dipper is a “mini” traditional-shaped butternut squash that literally can make a personal-sized delicious meal! This tasty squash variety weighs in at about 2 pounds per fruit. The Little Dipper's plant habit is full vine with vigorous growth and has potential to produce a high amount of very uniform, orange-colored fruit.

The little Table King Bush Squash is a nice compact winter squash variety that is perfect for a small home garden! This 2 pound fruit is excellent for baking, stuffing or roasting. This little squash is an All-American Selection winner for a reason! The glossy dark green ribbed exterior is a nice contrast with the thick pale orange flesh. The flavor even improves in storage. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Table Queen Acorn Squash is a customer favorite winter squash. This variety is a medium sized, acorn shaped, vining type. The flesh of this heirloom acorn is a sweet golden yellow that turns more orange in storage, contrasting with its dark green and ribbed rind. Harvest before frost, leaving part of the stem attached to the fruit.

The Cream of the Crop is a white bush-type acorn squash that really is the cream of the crop! This variety is white and on the large side for an acorn, weighing in at 2-3 lb. Cream of the Crop is great picked small and used as a summer squash, or can be left to ripen and used for winter storage. This squash is perfect for those who want to grow a garden in small spaces.

In our opinion the best tasting small butternut squash on the market. Flesh is sweet and rich with amazing flavor. This is the perfect squash for farmers' markets and home gardens. At maturity this squash will weight 2 lbs and stores for over 3 months once picked. PMR: Powdery Mildew Resistant. AAS Winner.