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Short Day Onions

Short Day Onions Seed

In the South, summer days don't vary as much in length from winter ones. This region includes Zones 7 and warmer. If you garden in this area, grow short-day onions. Onions form bulbs in response to day length. Short-day onions need 10 hours of daylight.

The Red Grano is a medium sized onion with crisp and mild flavor! This delicious variety is perfect for salads or hamburgers. Red Grano Onion is resistant to pink root and has a mid-range storage period.

The Texas Early Grano Onion has a nice sweet flavor that is a favorite among home growers! The vidalia-type onion is now available in organic seeds. The white flesh is crisp and not too pungent. This short day onion variety is very disease resistant which makes it very popular for home growers and market growers alike. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

c It also has the Celebrate plant structure to give it an extra boost against stress and make it grower friendly. These qualities help to make it a good fit for a short day program. Disease Ratings: High Tolerance to Pink Root, Fusarium, and Bolting.

Red Rock demonstrates good size with excellent internal dark red color and a good single-center percentage. Red Rock has a very good red scale and produces a nice firm bulb that can be stored for several months. It is also a Celebrate Onion with a good root system and grower friendly structure. Disease Ratings: High Tolerance for Bolting. Good Tolerance to Pink Root and Fusarium.

The very sweet Red Creole Onion is the perfect variety for home gardens! This short day onion is great for the South and Mid-West climates and is also a good keeper. The solid, flat bulbs of the Red Creole has a spicy, red flesh that makes it a good cooking onion and is also great raw in salads.

The Snowball White Onion is our most popular onion set! This variety is always crisp and delicious! The Snowball White's big bulbs have a lovely golden yellow papery skin on the outside with a pale yellow flesh with a mild flavor that is great for cooking.

The Texas Early Grano 502 PRR Onion has a uniform white flesh with a delicious eating quality! This onion variety produces a large globe shaped vidalia-type onion that has a nice flavor that is not too pungent.  Texas Early Grano 502 PRR is a short day variety, but works well as an indeterminate day variety of onion as well. This onion also has a tolerance to pink root rot (PRR.) History: Texas Early Grano 502 PRR was released by the Texas Agricultural Experimental Station in 1944. in 1933, the Texas onion breeding program began, which was to produce the Mother "Grano 502" which was in the parentage of all SuperSweet onions such as Granex (Vidalia, Maui Maui and NoonDay) and the Texas 1015Y.

The Cipollini Yellow is an unique coin shaped yellow onion. This variety can be grown and perform well in most US latitudes. Cipollini Yellow has good pungency, but is still sweet. This onion is larger and flatter than most pearl onions, making it a great choice for any cooking or braising use. Cipollini Yellow is also excellent when used in crafts like braiding and has excellent storage ability for a small onion.