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The Great Lakes 118 Lettuce produces large crisp heads! This is a popular variety amongst many farmers for its large heads with a great flavor. The Great Lakes 118 adds the perfect crunch to salads and sandwiches.
The Royal Oakleaf is a long standing oak leaf lettuce that has good heat resistance. This variety develops beautiful rosettes of deeply lobed sea green leaves. Royal Oakleaf is an improved version of the standard oak leaf lettuce. The Royal Oakleaf has excellent flavor, crispness and tenderness that is one that cannot be beat!
The Red Salad Bowl is a very popular loose-leaf heirloom lettuce that is heat resistant. This variety is an appealing, slow bolting deep red leaf lettuce with finely divided leaves. The Red Salad Bowl has a sweet and tender flavor and is a colorful delight for many dishes and salads! This variety is a favorite for being quick grow and great for cut and come again harvesting.
The Ruby Red Lettuce is an early variety that produces good yields of bright green to ruby red colored leaves. This beautiful variety is a very heat tolerant lettuce that is slow to bolt. Ruby Red's color does not fade in the hot weather! This lettuce is excellent for adding color to salads or garnishes.
The Marvel of Four Seasons is a French butterhead lettuce with bibb-type rosette leaves. This butterhead, also known as Merveille des Quatre Saisons, is tasty and beautiful. The Marvel of Four Seasons has a robust shape with leaves ranging in bronze, gold, red and green.
The Red Sails Lettuce is a full rosette type that produces radiant bronze-red, ruffled and deeply lobed leaves that have a mild bitter-free flavor that pairs very well in salads. This slow-bolting lettuce is ready to cut early and holds its quality very well. Red Sails has six times the vitamin A and three times the vitamin C as other supermarket lettuces. This variety thrives in cool weather, but can also grow well in the spring, summer or fall.
The Gourmet Mesclun Blend is a colorful mixture of our favorite gourmet leaves! This blend offers a pleasing mix of colors and types of lettuce that are delicious together in a salad. The Gourmet Mesclun Blend is also great for baby leaf production.
The Merlot is a looseleaf type of lettuce with intense deep burgundy colored leaves. This variety is slow bolting and ideal for cut and come again culture. Enjoy this beautifully colored lettuce in a baby salad mix!
The Bistro Blend is a component mixture of loose leaf lettuce and batavian varieties. All the varieties in this blend have been selected for sweet flavor and thick leaves that stand up well in a rough chopped salad. This blend's colors range from red, bronze, dark green and bright green. This Bistro Blend is a garden favorite with production all year long.
The Chrystal Batavian Lettuce is known for its beautifully colored leaves! This lettuce's coloring has a bright purplish red contrast on broad green loose leaves. The Chrystal Batavian is a summer crisp type of lettuce.
Carmona Red is a favorite among many market growers! This lettuce variety produces big, bright red heads with lime green hearts. The Carmona Red has a nice silky texture and is very disease resistance.
The Romaine Trio Blend is a mixture of three of our specialty romaine lettuces. This tri-colored blend is very popular for not only its beautiful color variation and vigorous growth, but also for its delicious taste.
The Garden Mesclun Blend is a mixture of light green to emerald, and bronze to deep red lettuces as well as endive and radicchio for a crunchy, zesty flavor that is a perfect addition to any salad!
The Outredegeous Lettuce is a deep, dark purple red romaine that will maintain its dark color even under low-light conditions! This mesmerizing variety is a wonderful baby leaf type and large loose leaf type, making it the perfect lettuce for salad growers. You can start using its leaves after 28 days. Outredegeous seeds are a natural mix of black and white.
The Selway is a Lolla Rossa type lettuce with beautiful light green and dark purple coloring. This variety has deeply curled loose leaves with frilled dark-purple edges edges. The Selway is an essential in salad mixes for its color and taste. For baby leaf production, this variety can be harvested in 30 days and for full sized leaves, it can be harvested in 55 days and can be cut repeatedly!
The Winter Density Lettuce is a favorite cold weather Romaine! This variety produces compact, extra-dark green heads that are 8" tall and very tightly folded. The Winter Density gets its name for doing well in the cold weather!
Freckles Lettuce gets its name for being an unusual bright green romaine lettuce with crimson freckles! This uniquely colored lettuce is sun-loving and grows upright. This variety has a crisp texture that can be harvested early or late!
Rouge D'Hiver Lettuce is a beautifully multicolored French heirloom romaine. This variety's green leaves are tinted with medium-red color at the tip. Rouge D'Hiver is not just beautiful, but it is also very tasty and very easy to grow. This lettuce is a home favorite for resisting heat and cold stress if well watered. This variety has been recently resurrected.