Zone 5 - What to Plant in January

Zone 5 - What to Plant in January

It's January in Zone 5 and most gardeners are starting to get the itch to start ordering and growing some plants. January is the perfect time to start ordering your seeds for the coming season. You can even start planting a few items in late January to be prepared for early season plantings. Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower can all be started in late January indoors to be ready for a March transplant outdoors.

Fragaria vesca var. vesca, aka Woodland Strawberry, has white flowers and small, very flavorful crimson berries. This everbearing alpine strawberry will produce fruit all summer long.

Ruegen is an heirloom cultivar that is still as good today as it was when it was first selected. Several cultivars on the market today have been selected from Ruegen. Also known in various European countries as 'Rügen', 'Rujana', 'Rjugen', and 'Rugia'.

'White Solemacher' (Also known as Weiss Solemacher) is a white fruiting alpine strawberry cultivar that has been around for many years. It was discovered in Germany. The fruit is among the largest white fruit produced by alpines. It is a clumping type (few to no runners) and is day neutral which means it is not dependent on day length for flowering. The white fruit has the distinctive wild strawberry flavor and aroma expected from fraises des bois. The fruit has a hint of pineapple flavor typical of white alpine fruit. We like it that birds don't seem to know the fruit is ripe and so it Fools the Birds and a part of the collection by that name.

The All Seasons Cabbage is a very heat resistant cabbage that is resistant to yellowing and will offer a nice flavor in any dish. This cabbage produces fine heads that are about 10-11" across and average about 11-14 pounds.

'Yellow Wonder' is a very productive variety. It is a clumping type (few to no runners) that is day neutral which means that flowering is not dependent on day length. The fruit is a pale yellow at full ripe and soft. This variety is sweeter than the red alpine strawberry varieties. There is a strong wild aroma as well.

Katarina cabbage has a perfect smaller head size (4”) and shape to be grown successfully in containers on patios, decks or in-ground beds, possibly as an ornamental/edible border.

An early maturing heirloom cabbage. Early Jersey Wakefield is an early variety of cabbage with pointed heads that resist splitting! A great home garden cabbage with great flavor!

New 50 day maturing bright green mini cabbage. Excellent uniformity, mild flavor and crispness are true bonuses with this extremely early maturing cabbage. Can be sown directly in Fall gardens or transplanted in Spring.

The Self Blanching cauliflower is known for its bright white curds with a delicious flavor! The Self Blanching cauliflower has self-wrapping leaves that help protect the white curds from sun, thus the name Self Blanching Cauliflower. Remember cauliflower likes cool weather plant seed early spring or fall for best crops.

Sorrento is a speedy maturing broccoli that is reliable for fall or late winer growing. This is our favorite Raab for fresh market and home growers. This plant has uniform large florets with bluish-green narrow turnip-shape leaves. It has a tall, upright plant habit and a low bolt tolerance.

Alexandria is a delicious alpine strawberry that produces delicious fruit. Deep scarlet and fragrant aromatics, these strawberries are the size of wild berries. Alexandria is an everbearing strawberry that can produce the first year if planted early. These day-neutral plants stay compact and produce few runners. Excellent for pots and window boxes.

The Brunswick is a large cabbage that is used for making sauerkraut! The Brunswick can be grown for spring, summer, and fall crops. This cabbage is very cold hardy! Stores well. Excellent for home gardens and market growers.

This cabbage is known for its solid head and excellent flavor. Late Flat Dutch is a big cabbage, it is a good keeper and the standard late season variety. Heads form up to 12 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds. Late Flat Dutch has an excellent flavor.

The Green Sprouting Calabrese produces very large dark green heads bursting with flavor. Produces compact dark green central head, with many lateral or side shoots over a long season. Good in short season areas with cool nights. Slow bolting with great flavor and popular among gardeners.

Michihili cabbage is great for those who love stir-fry or pickling cabbage. A tight-head type with well blanched, crisp and tender interior. Michihili produces a cylindrical, leafy head. A high yielding cabbage with excellent flavor. Chinese cabbage nutrients include vitamins A and C.

The Golden Acre is a tasty cabbage that arrives early and is suited for close spacing. This early round head cabbage is easily grown and versatile in use. Heads are about 6 to 7 inches in diameter on compact plants about a foot high. Its firm, medium green head is excellent cooked or raw in stews and salads.

The Colorful Mix is a fun blend of different colorful cauliflower varieties. Have fun with this colorful mix of cauliflower varieties. This is a great mix to plant and sale at farmers markets. People will marvel at the bright colors! The varieties include Cheddar, Graffiti, and Snowball.

Waltham 29 produces incredibly high yields for broccoli! This variety is known for its good color, cold resistance, dwarf compact plant, and big side shoots. Main heads are 4-8" with steady side shoot production after main head is harvested.