Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

Zone 9 - What to Plant in November

The growing season is here for zone 9 gardeners. The hot and humid days of summer are behind us and we can start growing the garden. Now is a great time to start and grow all of the items we have below. Some should be started inside and others should be directly sowed into the garden.

The Alaska Pea is a super-early variety that thrives in colder temperatures! This pea is a semi-dwarf variety that grows to an average height of 3' and is a decent producer once flowering begins. Alaska's pods produce 5-7 peas per pod that offers a sweet and delicious flavor.

Round blue green 7-8 in. heads, 5-7 lb, standard storage type, does well in mountain areas, will adapt to Northeast, excellent yields, keeps until the late spring, very dependable.

Ruby Red Swiss Chard is a beautifully deep red colored chard. This variety is great for people who want to grow controlled colors of different Swiss Chard. The Ruby Red is fast growing, very tasty and will add a pop of color to any garden!

Fragaria vesca var. vesca, aka Woodland Strawberry, has white flowers and small, very flavorful crimson berries. This everbearing alpine strawberry will produce fruit all summer long.

The Pearl Millet is a very tall grass that can reach to be 15 feet tall that is used as a multiple cut forage grass and green manure. This grass is high in protein, digestible and free of prussic acid. The Pearl Millet is perfect used for hay, pasture and silage for feeding cattle, horses, goats and other livestock. The Pearl Millet is also a very good green manure that is well adapted to low soil moisture, low fertility and high temperatures. Uses: Erosion Control, Green Manure, Nitrogen Scavenger, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass), Weed Suppression

Storage #4 is a great producer of dark green color cabbage that have excellent storage life. This versatile variety also works great in the late fall for fresh market, especially in muddy and rainy conditions. Due to its earliness when used for storage, we recommend later season plantings for best storage results.

Purple Sun produces Uniform roots with smooth shoulders. Dark purple carrots that grow up to 10" in length. A great production carrot for fields, bunching and mechanical harvest.

The Lolla Rosso Darky Lettuce is known for its deep red, curled loose leaves. This attractive lettuce is an heirloom that has beautiful magenta leaves with a light green base that gives a great presentation. Lolla Rosso Darky has a mild flavor that is a cut and come again, good to sow in the spring or fall.

Tendergreen mustard is a prized leafy green known for its mild flavor and tender texture, making it a favorite in both culinary and gardening circles. This variety of mustard greens has its roots in traditional Southern U.S. agriculture, where it has been cultivated for its versatility and ease of growth. Characterized by its large, bright green leaves with a smooth, slightly wrinkled texture, Tendergreen mustard is valued for its mild, peppery flavor that becomes more pronounced when cooked. The plants grow rapidly, reaching maturity in about 40 to 50 days, and are known for their robust, upright growth habit, typically standing 12 to 18 inches tall. They produce small, yellow flowers in early spring if allowed to bolt, though they are primarily grown for their leaves. Tendergreen mustard thrives in cool weather and can be grown in a variety of soil types as long as they are well-drained. The plant’s resilience and quick harvest make it ideal for successive plantings, providing a continuous supply of fresh greens. With its rich flavor, adaptable growing conditions, and rapid growth, Tendergreen mustard is a valuable addition to any vegetable garden.

The Danver 126 is a great tasting favorite that is now also available as organic! This carrot was bred for heat resistance and will produce high yields. This carrot has a beautiful bright color with smooth skin. The Danver 126 is perfect for home gardeners and market growers alike.

The fine smooth texture of the Nantes carrot makes it perfect for fresh eating, freezing or juicing! This bright orange carrot is a garden favorite. Nantes has an excellent sweet flavor as an early baby carrot. It can be over-wintered or grown in high tunnels for a spring harvest. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Pink Summercicle Radish will bring you an endless summer with its bright pink color, sweet taste and popsicle-like shape! These 5-6 inches long roots have a crisp white inside with an extra sweet flavor. This very adaptable variety is best when grown in the early spring or fall. Enjoy the Pink Summercicle in salads or stir-fries!

Roxanne is a hybrid radish with uniform bright red color and a beautiful creamy white interior. Roxanne is a great tasting radish with no pithiness or bleeding even at a larger size. This radish stays firm and solid even when oversized, and holds well in the garden.

The Cherry Belle Radish is the earliest maturing, garden standard radish. This variety is a 1949 All-American Winner and there is no wonder why. This radish retains its fine eating quality all season. The Cherry Belle is a round, smooth, scarlet beauty. This radish is 3/4" inches across with a crisp, white flesh that is ideal for garnishes or use in salads.

The Confetti Mix is a fast maturing, colorful bled of the classic red, white, and bi colored radishes, all with a remarkable flavor! This fun mix is a beautiful addition to any assortment. These classic bright colors are perfect for any market grower or home gardener.

Bibb is a crisp, clean, and easy to grow butterhead lettuce that has light green leaves with the occasional red spots. The crispy heads often self blanch in the center. This lettuce variety is perfect for farmers markets and for the home gardener. This Bibb does well in the heat, yet still grows quickly in our cool weather. History: Lt. John B. Bibb served in the War of 1812, represented Logan County in the Kentucky House of Representatives and the state Senate from 1827 to 1834. Lt. Bibb was also an amateur horticulturist and developed the Bibb lettuce we know and love today. However, it wasn't offered commercially until 1935.

Scout is an early to main season intermediate variety and can make a good transition from intermediate to long days. It is a consistent yielder and a uniform producer of jumbo and colossal bulbs and holds up well to mechanical harvest.

The Crosby Egyptian beet is a standard early bunching beet for table or market, a favorite that is now also available in organic seeds. The flattened heart-shaped roots and dark-red flesh of this beet is equally appetizing as it is beautiful. The Crosby Egyptian is also the largest early variety beet and will keep its shape until fall. Enjoy both the roots and the tops chopped up in a salad! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.