Zone 10 - What to Plant in September

Zone 10 - What to Plant in September

September is one of the best months to start gardening in Zone 10. You're just past the dog days of summer and the weather is starting to cool down a bit. The typical first frost in Zone 10 is mid-late December but even then it can be very mild. This allows for easy winter growing of several crops. Below is a list of items that can be planted in zone 10 in September.

The Mammoth Melting Pea is a snow pea that adds the perfect mouthwatering crunch to any salad! The 5-6 foot tall vines require trellising for support. This variety's large sweet pods thrive in the cooler weather. Add a fresh pop of bright green to any garden or dish with the Mammoth Melting! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

Daikon Radish has a crisp firm flesh is pure white. This Daikon radish, produces long tapered white radishes that are mostly used as winter radishes. The Minowase has a great, mild taste that is excellent in many Oriental dishes. This radish variety is great for spring or late summer planting.

The spicy flavor, attractive purple stems, and green leaves of the Hong Vit Radish makes it a favorite among many growers! This radish variety is also a very fast growing microgreen. The Hong Vit grows straight with hairless attractive purple stems. Micro Hong Vit's leaves add a spicy flavor, visual appeal, and bulk to mixes!

The spicy flavor, attractive purple stems, and green leaves of the Hong Vit Radish makes it the perfect addition to any salad! This radish is a longtime favorite that is now available in organic form. A very fast growing microgreen! Grows straight and attractive purple stems that are hairless. Micro radish leaves add spicy flavor, visual appeal, and bulk to mixes.

Round blue green 7-8 in. heads, 5-7 lb, standard storage type, does well in mountain areas, will adapt to Northeast, excellent yields, keeps until the late spring, very dependable.

The Red Velvet Lettuce produces very dark maroon to greenish-bronze tinged colored leaves that have a nice chewy texture. This beautifully unique variety is a great choice for mixed salad greens. This lettuce is slow to bolt and will become bitter in the heat.

The Crosby Egyptian beet is a standard early bunching beet for table or market, a favorite that is now also available in organic seeds. The flattened heart-shaped roots and dark-red flesh of this beet is equally appetizing as it is beautiful. The Crosby Egyptian is also the largest early variety beet and will keep its shape until fall. Enjoy both the roots and the tops chopped up in a salad! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The fine smooth texture of the Nantes carrot makes it perfect for fresh eating, freezing or juicing! This bright orange carrot is a garden favorite. Nantes has an excellent sweet flavor as an early baby carrot. It can be over-wintered or grown in high tunnels for a spring harvest. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Danver 126 is a great tasting favorite that is now also available as organic! This carrot was bred for heat resistance and will produce high yields. This carrot has a beautiful bright color with smooth skin. The Danver 126 is perfect for home gardeners and market growers alike.

The Lolla Rosso Darky Lettuce is known for its deep red, curled loose leaves. This attractive lettuce is an heirloom that has beautiful magenta leaves with a light green base that gives a great presentation. Lolla Rosso Darky has a mild flavor that is a cut and come again, good to sow in the spring or fall.

The Green express is a bright green mini cabbage with excellent flavor! This favorite is now available as organic. The early maturing cabbage has a mild flavor and crisp texture that can't be beat. The Green Express can be sown directly in Fall gardens or transplanted in Spring.

Bobcat is a high producing fresh-market variety that has long storage life. Excellent flavor and good resistance to disease. Due to its high yield potential, Bobcat is suitable for coleslaw production.

The Snow Crown cauliflower is a delicious, mild and sweet hybrid. This cauliflower's head will get to 7-8 inches across and 1-2 pounds. The Snow Crown is extra early and adaptable and can be harvested in summer or fall. Be careful not to under-fertilize or water, stress can cause a purplish discoloration on the undersides of the head.

The Vitaverde cauliflower, or "broccoflower," is the famous cross of broccoli and cauliflower! The Vitaverde broccoflower grows up to 1 pound. This hybrid has a vibrant green head, is heat tolerant and cooks fast with a mild sweet taste.

The Progress No. 9 Pea is a very prolific and early yielding shelling pea! This wrinkle-seeded pea is fast growing and produces plump dark green pods. Enjoy 7-9 delicious peas per pod that are perfect for soups or as a side dish. The Progress No. 9 holds well on the vine and is also disease resistant. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Golden Sweet Pea is really the gold standard for yellow shelling peas! This yellow pod snow pea grows to be around 3 inches long. This pea has a wonderful sweet taste and can be eaten raw in salads or steamed as a side dish. The large 5-6 foot vines need to be trellised and will grow beautiful purple flowers. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The hardy American Flag leek is a good variety for both home and market growers. The attractive uniform leek has blue green leaves and white stalks. The American Flag variety has a very nice sweet flavor. This leek can be enjoyed during fall and winter. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Taiwan Sugar Pea is known as the queen of the Orient, making it the ultimate sugary sweet pea for stir fries and salads. These crisp pods are delicious cooked or raw and will just melt in your mouth! These large sweet pods originated in Taiwan and like cooler temperatures to give it its fresh sweet flavor. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.