

The Mammoth Melting Pea is a snow pea that adds the perfect mouthwatering crunch to any salad! The 5-6 foot tall vines require trellising for support. This variety's large sweet pods thrive in the cooler weather. Add a fresh pop of bright green to any garden or dish with the Mammoth Melting! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Secada Forage Pea is a relatively new forage pea that has a wide range of uses such as forage, green manure, weed suppression and more! This forage pea is highly palatable, self-climbing and with high dry matter yields. A fast growing, cool-season annual legume, the Secada Forage Pea performs very well during the fall, winter and spring in Southern states. In more northern climes, an early spring plant will give high dry matter yields of excellent forage. Uses: Chicken Forage, Deer Attractant, Forage, Green Manure, Nitrogen Fixation, No Till, Organic Matter (Biomass), Weed Suppression

The King of the North Pepper is the most reliable bell pepper for northern gardeners. These sturdy plants produce heavy yields of blocky, thick walled, 3-4 lobed peppers that ripen from green to red. This pepper variety is excellent cooked in any recipe or raw for fresh eating. King of the North is sure to be the new KING in your garden! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The spicy flavor, attractive purple stems, and green leaves of the Hong Vit Radish makes it a favorite among many growers! This radish variety is also a very fast growing microgreen. The Hong Vit grows straight with hairless attractive purple stems. Micro Hong Vit's leaves add a spicy flavor, visual appeal, and bulk to mixes!

Daikon Radish has a crisp firm flesh is pure white. This Daikon radish, produces long tapered white radishes that are mostly used as winter radishes. The Minowase has a great, mild taste that is excellent in many Oriental dishes. This radish variety is great for spring or late summer planting.

The Bolivian Rainbow Pepper is a beautiful rainbow variety of chili peppers that will a pop of color to any garden or dish. The small naturally bushy plant produces hundreds of small, teardrop shaped, hot chillies that start life creamy, turn purple, then golden, then orange and finally fire-engine red! These peppers produces early and continuously throughout the season.

The Lucky Tiger Tomato is a sweet and fruity tomato that is part of the beautiful and tasty Artisan tomato collection and is great for fresh eating! The elongated green striped cherry tomato has red blush bottoms that mixes beautifully with the other Artisan tomatoes.

The Carbon Tomato won the “Best Tasting Tomato Award” at the Heirloom Garden Show in 2005 and continues to rate very high in many taste tests! This tomato is one of the darkest of the “black tomato” varieties, and 10-12 oz. in size with a flattened round shape. This purplish-brown, "black" colored tomato has a deep brick red flesh and has a deliciously rich, sweet flavor. 

The Bullnose Pepper is an early American pepper variety that was grown by Thomas Jefferson in the mid-to-late 1800s and is gaining popularity again. This variety is one of the first medium-large "bell"-type peppers, although this strain may be larger than the strain that was grown by Mr. Jefferson. Bullnose is a delicious good-sized pepper that is great for fresh eating in salads or for cooking!

The Yellow Petite Bell Pepper is a mini bell pepper with flavor explosion! This sweet mini pepper variety that is high yielding and ripens to a rich yellow when mature. The Yellow Petite Bell grows to 2-3 ounces which is the perfect snack sized pepper that is excellent for market selling or fresh eating in salads or sandwiches!

The Upland Cress is a highly nutritious aquatic herb. This cress is a slow to bolt green, but once it's established it will take off and have a long growing season! Upland's 6-8" rosettes of dark green, glossy, rounded leaves are very tasty and refreshing. Upland is very similar to watercress, but is much easier to grow!

The Gabriella is a loose leaf lettuce variety that has beautiful deep wine colored leaves. This variety's purple leaves are frilly and sweet -- perfect for adding a pop of color to salads! The Gabriella's leaves are delicious from mesclun size to maturity. This variety is heat resistant and slow bolting.

The spicy flavor, attractive purple stems, and green leaves of the Hong Vit Radish makes it the perfect addition to any salad! This radish is a longtime favorite that is now available in organic form. A very fast growing microgreen! Grows straight and attractive purple stems that are hairless. Micro radish leaves add spicy flavor, visual appeal, and bulk to mixes.

The Ugly Duckling is the "ugly" sister to our Cinderella pumpkin, but this variety produces multiple colors. This pumpkin is an antique French heirloom that, despite its name, is beautiful and great for ornamental purposes!

The Crosby Egyptian beet is a standard early bunching beet for table or market, a favorite that is now also available in organic seeds. The flattened heart-shaped roots and dark-red flesh of this beet is equally appetizing as it is beautiful. The Crosby Egyptian is also the largest early variety beet and will keep its shape until fall. Enjoy both the roots and the tops chopped up in a salad! Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The fine smooth texture of the Nantes carrot makes it perfect for fresh eating, freezing or juicing! This bright orange carrot is a garden favorite. Nantes has an excellent sweet flavor as an early baby carrot. It can be over-wintered or grown in high tunnels for a spring harvest. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The mildly spicy Joe Parker Pepper is a Southwestern style traditional Anaheim that can be harvested green or red! This deliciously crisp pepper quickly changes from green to red and can be eaten at both color stages. The Joe Parker is perfect for stuffing, grilling, roasting or processing. This organic pepper plant produces high yielding semi flattened uniform fruits. Certified Organic. Learn more about our organic seeds.

The Danver 126 is a great tasting favorite that is now also available as organic! This carrot was bred for heat resistance and will produce high yields. This carrot has a beautiful bright color with smooth skin. The Danver 126 is perfect for home gardeners and market growers alike.