Summer Squash

Summer Squash

Summer squash is harvested while immature when the rind is still tender and tasty. Nearly all summer squash squashes are varieties of Cucurbita pepo but not all Cucurbita pepo are considered summer squashes. Most summer squash have a bushy growth habit and shorter shelf life as compared to the vining, long fruit storage of winter squash.

A beautiful patty pan that is dark green and high yielding. A glossy skin with ribbed edges. Relatively long and narrow peduncle for easy picking and fruits have a long shelf life after picking. Compact plant with an open growth habit. Organic

A beautiful patty pan that is yellow and high yielding. A glossy skin with ribbed edges. Relatively long and narrow peduncle for easy picking and fruits have a long shelf life after picking. Compact plant with an open growth habit. Organic

Black Beauty Zucchini is a standard zucchini. This vigorous plant produces dark green glossy fruits that tapers towards each end. This zucchini is a very popular variety of summer squash. The Black Beauty plants are compact and easy to grow producing an abundance of fruit with a really good flavor throughout the summer. Certified Organic.

The Gelber Englischer Squash is known for its unique lemon-yellow patty pan shape that slightly resembles a spilled over muffin top! This German squash variety is originally from Gatersleben seed bank. The Gelber Englischer does well in cooler climates with full sun. The yellow fruits will turn dark orange if they are left on the vine past the edible stage.

The Black Beauty Zucchini is a standard zucchini. This vigorous plant produces dark green glossy fruits that tapers towards each end. This zucchini is a very popular variety of summer squash. The Black Beauty plants are compact and easy to grow producing an abundance of fruit with a really good flavor throughout the summer.

The Benning's Green Tint is a very light green scallop-shaped summer squash with a deliciously tender and good quality flesh. This squash variety is easy to grow and produces high yields. The Bennings Green Tint Scallop is an old time favorite squash that is great for markets and home gardens.

The Partial Eclipse F1 Squash is a beautiful and tasty summer squash that has a lovely white scalloped shape with green radial stripes. This squash can be harvested as a baby while its skin is still a pale white or you can let it mature to be eaten like a winter squash or used as a display. Partial Eclipse has a very firm texture and a taste that is amazing when roasted.

The Golden Zebra F1 Squash is a bright golden yellow summer squash variety with orange stripes that has an excellent flavor. This unique squash is a medium length that is very slender and grows on bushy 24-36 inch plants. Harvest the Golden Zebra when they are 7-8 inches long or smaller for baby use.

The Yellow Bush Scallop Squash plant, also known as the Golden Custard, produces beautiful yellow scallops. This variety offers beautiful, bright yellow fruits with a rich, mellow flavor that is perfect for stuffing. The Yellow Bush Scallop offers high yields making it great for market production.

A summer squash popular in Southern states and Mexico. Tatume is a popular summer squash with round fruits with med-dark green to yellow fruits with faint stripes. Squash are best at 5-7" in diameter. Firm, fine flavor with very vigorous spreading vines. Give tatume plenty of room to spread and yields will be very high.

San Isidro is a Mexican-type grey zucchini that is popular in gourmet dishes. Open, erect plants are nearly spineless reducing damage to fruit during harvest. Strong, durable plants are highly productive due to its ability to tolerate disease pressure. Adapts well to large patio containers.

The Scallop Juane et Verte Squash is a beautiful french heirloom scalloped summer squash that is known for being very flavorful. This cream-ivory and green striped scalloped squash can be used for both ornamental and cooking purposes. Scallop Juane et Verte is the perfect stuffing squash!