Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers Seed

Bell peppers are a sweet pepper with 3 or 4 blocky lobes. The most common sweet pepper used for several different types of cooking including eating fresh, baking, grilling and sauteing. Bell peppers come in a variety of colors including green, red, yellow, orange, and more. Nothing taste better than a fresh Bell pepper freshly picked!

The Yolo Wonder Pepper is a great new and improved tasty pepper for home gardens. This variety is a top quality very well shaped pepper with thicker walls and a very blocky shape with 4 lobes. The Yolo Wonder Pepper will give great high yields!

Ozark Giant produces huge, long bell peppers that have delicious, thick flesh. They start out green and turn bright red when mature. Red flesh is sweet and tangy. Very productive plants and great flavor will make this old Ozarks variety a favorite.

The Golden Cal Wonder is a colorful golden bell pepper that is tasty and sweet. This pepper variety is great for home and market gardens. The productive plants produce early and are good for northern climates. The Golden Cal Wonder is the perfect pepper for fresh eating raw as a snack!

Orange King is a deliciously sweet and tangy orange pepper. This blocky, thick skinned pepper turns from green to a bright orange when mature. Its plants produce average yields of 4-5 lobed block peppers that mature to 4x6." This pepper variety is the sweetest bell pepper we have tasted to date! Orange King is perfect for fresh eating, dips, salads, stuffing, stir fries and sandwiches.

The Merlot Pepper produces huge yields of big peppers on tall healthy plants! This hybrid pepper is a tall plant that is highly resistant to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and bacterial leaf spot (BST). This variety produces huge pepper yields on lush foliage that offers good protection for the newly formed bells. The Merlot begins off green, turns white, and finally begins to turn merlot purple when mature.

The Whopper Pepper produces high yields of huge sweet bell peppers! This pepper plant produces huge yields of large 4" long by 4" wide bell peppers that will turn from green to red when ripe and ready to be picked. Whopper is one of the best bell peppers for home gardens and is excellent for salads, stuffing, sauteed, or fried. This tasty pepper also freezes well.