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Aglio Rosso garlic traces its origins to the picturesque town of Sulmona, nestled in the heart of Italy's Abruzzo region. Renowned for its fertile soil and favorable climate, Sulmona provides the perfect conditions for cultivating this unique variety of garlic. The cultivation of Aglio Rosso typically begins in the autumn months, with cloves carefully planted in well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. As the seasons progress, the garlic bulbs mature beneath the earth's surface, drawing nourishment from the soil and sun. Throughout the winter months, the garlic lays dormant, gradually developing its distinctive flavor and color. Come springtime, the vibrant hues of Aglio Rosso begin to emerge, signaling the approaching harvest season. With meticulous care and attention, farmers gently unearth the bulbs, ensuring they reach their full potential. From its humble beginnings in the fertile fields of Sulmona to kitchens around the world, Aglio Rosso garlic embodies the time-honored tradition of Italian agriculture and the art of cultivating flavors that captivate the senses.
The Siberian garlic is certified and does great in cold weather! Siberian is a mid-season garlic and a great producer in cold climates. This variety does great for all northern gardeners! The cloves of this garlic are protected by an attractive light red skin. This clean, medium-to-strong flavored garlic will warm your soul on the coldest winter evening! Siberian has a very high allicin content, possibly the highest of any garlic. Allicin supports normal cholesterol levels, boosts the immune system, and enhances circulation! Approximately 12 garlic bulbs per pound. Approximately 4-5 cloves per bulb. Hardneck Garlic
The Purple Italian Garlic is a classic hardneck variety that is a favorite among chefs, as its large cloves are easy to peel! This variety is perfect for planting in northern climates for a delicious summer harvest. This garlic has a sweet and delicate mild flavor that tastes great in salsas and Mediterranean dishes. The Purple Italian is a deep purple-skinned variety that produces 8-12 cloves per bulb.
Russian Red garlic has big bulbs that have a slightly purple skin that wraps the bulbs and cloves. This variety is a great garlic to grow for soil conditions that are slightly damp. Russian Red is one of the most flavorful heirloom garlics we offer. Approximately 6-9 cloves/ bulb. Approximately 45-60 garlic cloves/ pound.
Bogatyr garlic are small and intense. Its bulb wrappers are thick and parchment-like with white skin showcasing purple and violet stripes. As you peel away the outer wrappers, the purple striping intensifies, becoming almost a solid mix of purple hues surrounding the cloves. A single bulb will house five to six plump cloves. The peeled cloves are creamy white and dense. Bogatyr garlic is known for its fiery, raw heat that diminishes quickly to a mild and pleasant flavor.
Mattchi is considered by garlic experts to be an improved version of the California Early garlic. This popular soft-neck garlic is a gourmet garlic that is an all purpose garlic. Mattchi garlic's bulbs and cloves are a uniform cream white with the occasional pink hint. This garlic is a great variety for roasting and spreading onto your favorite meals. Mattchi is very easy to grow and cloves are easy to peel.
The Rosewood Garlic is an outstanding, vigorous hardneck Porcelain variety with a pungent flavor that packs a lot of heat! This spicy variety is more tolerant to the wet spring soil and is resistant to common allium diseases, like rust. The Rosewood has a mid to late harvest and produces 4-6 cloves per bulb.
Italian Red is a certified, great tasting and excellent storing garlic! Italian Red Porcelain is the garlic variety that is widely grown throughout the United States originating in California. Early Italian Red hardneck garlic is a very heat-tolerant porcelain-type garlic that can be planted in spring in northern gardens for a fall harvest! This garlic variety produces 6-10 large cloves per bulb that are fairly mild with a little garlic spiced flavor which intensifies during storage.
Music garlic is a "Garlic Lovers" garlic! This garlic variety is prized for it's mild flavor and ease of peeling. Its flavor is well developed without any bitterness, and it does not disappear when cooked. Just one clove can add so much flavor to any recipe, so it is time-saving! This variety keeps well until April or May when stored properly. Most bulbs average 4-5 cloves.
The German Red garlic is an easy to grow garlic that is well suited for cold winters. This garlic variety offers a strong, spicy and robust flavor with large, easy to peel cloves. Averages 14 cloves per bulb. Hardneck variety.
Metechi is a mid-season maturing purple stripe garlic. Produces a robust garlic flavor along with a sharp bite. Raw, it's fiery hot, finishing with a lasting spice. Metechi has thick, white-wrapped bulbs that hold 4-6 bulky cloves clothed in blushed skin with purple accents. Exceptionally cold-hardy plants have broad, upright leaves.