Home Garden

Home Garden

The Green express is a bright green mini cabbage with excellent flavor! This favorite is now available as organic. The early maturing cabbage has a mild flavor and crisp texture that can't be beat. The Green Express can be sown directly in Fall gardens or transplanted in Spring.

The Green Sprouting Calabrese produces large dark green heads bursting with flavor. This broccoli with is a favorite, that now is available as organic seed! Good in short season areas with cool nights. It will produce many lateral or side shoots over a long season. It is slow bolting with a flavor that can't be beat.

The Snow Crown cauliflower is a delicious, mild and sweet hybrid. This cauliflower's head will get to 7-8 inches across and 1-2 pounds. The Snow Crown is extra early and adaptable and can be harvested in summer or fall. Be careful not to under-fertilize or water, stress can cause a purplish discoloration on the undersides of the head.

The Mardi Gras Blend is almost too pretty to eat! These fun bright yellow and purple semi flat bean pods are a favorite among home chefs. The Mardi Gras Blend sets a heavy crop of delicious nutty beans. These organic heirlooms are a fun way to get beneficial nutrients.

Round blue green 7-8 in. heads, 5-7 lb, standard storage type, does well in mountain areas, will adapt to Northeast, excellent yields, keeps until the late spring, very dependable.

Obsession is one of the most tender and delicious bicolor corn you can grow, it will be your new obsession! This variety will never be found at markets because this sweet corn is so tender that it must be harvested by hand and should not be packed for transport. Pick it fresh from your own garden and eat it within hours to achieves the highest quality of flavor and texture that corn can have!

The Brown Russian cucumber looks like it came from another planet, and is fitting because the taste is out of this world! The brown-skinned 6-8" cucumbers have a clear white flesh that has a crisp, mellow flavor sparked with sugary high notes and no bitterness. This cucumber is best harvested at 5-7" in. long, prolific and hardy.

This cabbage is known for its solid head and excellent flavor. Early Flat Dutch is a big cabbage, it is a good keeper and the standard early season variety. Heads form up to 12 inches and weigh as much as 15 pounds. Early Flat Dutch has an excellent flavor.

Dark green crumpled leaves, approximate 7 x 9 in. head, 6-8 lb, even better flavor after touched by frost, very tender.

New 50 day maturing bright green mini cabbage. Excellent uniformity, mild flavor and crispness are true bonuses with this extremely early maturing cabbage. Can be sown directly in Fall gardens or transplanted in Spring.

The Green Sprouting Calabrese produces very large dark green heads bursting with flavor. Produces compact dark green central head, with many lateral or side shoots over a long season. Good in short season areas with cool nights. Slow bolting with great flavor and popular among gardeners.

Redarling produces beautiful purplish sprouts with firm heads. The uncommon color and mild taste make Redarling ideal for fresh market sales. Produces high yield potential.