New for 2024

New for 2024

See all the new seed varieties we have added for 2024! Every year we add new seed to our already large collection of seed. We are excited to have selected so many new varieties for our customers to try. We have beautiful new flowers, delicious new vegetables and herbs for home gardeners.

Lavender is a fast-finishing, high-yielding Champion Pro series produces smaller but higher yields of blooms per stem. The higher amounts of lavender flowers a more vibrant color impact. Champion Pro also offers firmer flower petals and thinner more flexible stems. Lavender Champion Pro flowers can be either the focal point or filler in cut flower arrangements. Pelleted Seed

Lilac Snapdragon produces pinkish-purple blooms. Floral Showers is one of the best performing dwarf snapdragons around! This early, day neutral has a delicious fragrance, making it a perfect addition to any garden. Performs well in both spring and fall. Excellent cut flower variety. Ht. 8-10". Avg. 185,000 seeds/oz. Packet: 100 seeds.

Strawberry Swirl Cool Wave is a fast growing, long lasting trailing pansy for Spring and Autumn. Beautiful blend of deep pink, yellow and white petals. Shows more pink cap in Winter/Spring (cool season) production and more yellow in the flower face in Summer/Autumn (warm season) production. Avg. 24,415 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.

Produces strong bronze-colored plumes that are beautiful in floral arrangements. 3–6" pendulous heads.

Infinite Gold melon has been bred for strong performance and long shelf life, without sacrificing great flavor and fruit quality. In fact, a third-party sensory analysis panel rated Infinite Gold higher in flavor and quality attributes than the leading competition! Plus, Infinite Gold offers strong vines, high yield potential and uniform size and shape.

Raspberry Cool Wave is a fast growing, long lasting trailing pansy for Spring and Autumn. Rich, velvety rosy-purple with white around flower centre. Avg. 24,415 seeds/oz. Packet: 10 seeds.

A beautiful white and green cut-flower that has long shelf life once cut. Can also be dried for beautiful floral arrangements. Eryngium is a hardy perennial with long, sturdy stems. Tolerates hot, sunny locations. Plants produce flowers during the second year of growth and in subsequent years. Attracts bees, beneficial flies and wasps. Also known as plains eryngo and flat sea holly.

Bonita Top Pink Aster produces beautiful, fully-double pompon flowers that that creamy pink. The Top Pink flowers reach up to 2" in diameter and remain attractive even when aging. Bonita’s Top Pink flowers are held at a perfect angle for maximum impact. Bonita has fusarium resistance.

Yellow Kimono is a uniform, dense flower that makes beautiful containers. Yellow Kimono Celosia is ideal for extending the season and offers beautiful cut yellow flowers. Kimono Celosia series is available in multiple colors that Urban Farmer offers.

Great for bouquets and flower gardens. Blooms from seed the first year and produces beautiful white colored bells with dark red freckling. Produces 1-2 large center spikes with an abundance of side shoots great for cut flowers. Seed has been pelleted for ease of sowing.

Wine Bicolor Snapdragon produces deep-pink and white blooms. Floral Showers is one of the best performing dwarf snapdragons around! This early, day neutral has a delicious fragrance, making it a perfect addition to any garden. Performs well in both spring and fall. Excellent cut flower variety. Ht. 8-10". Avg. 185,000 seeds/oz. Packet: 100 seeds.

Deep Blue is a fast-finishing, high-yielding Champion Pro series produces smaller but higher yields of blooms per stem. The higher amounts of deep blue flowers a more vibrant color impact. Champion Pro also offers firmer flower petals and thinner more flexible stems. Deep Blue Champion Pro flowers can be either the focal point or filler in cut flower arrangements. Pelleted Seed

Red Jewel is early maturing and produces good size cabbages. This variety is a high-yielding red cabbage hybrid with uniform maturity. Red Jewel offers a deep red head with a short core and is ideal for both fresh and shredder markets.

Rose Snapdragon produces beautiful pink blooms. Floral Showers is one of the best performing dwarf snapdragons around! This early, day neutral has a delicious fragrance, making it a perfect addition to any garden. Performs well in both spring and fall. Excellent cut flower variety. Ht. 8-10". Avg. 185,000 seeds/oz. Packet: 100 seeds.

Produces branched stems on attractive, cylindrical flower spikes. A slightly later flowering of bronze-purple blooms with yellow pollen, very attractive ornamental foliage grass. Young-plants require sufficient warmth.

China King is a miniature (baby) type of Chinese cabbage. Excellent for planting in close spacing as it has a compact frame. It has barrel-shaped heads with yellow interior color. Early maturing and slow to bolt.

Great stuff ’n tomato with a nearly hallow core to create your own delicious snacks. The flat bottom gives the tomato a stable base during preparation.

A tropical appearance bloom that can thrive in cooler locations (zone 5 and above). Produces beautifully stunning white and crimson flowers. Hibiscus moscheutos plants prefer wet areas in the wild, but can also be grown in a well-watered garden.