Common Vegetable Problems
A lot of problems can happen in the garden that can confuse the average gardener. From germination, wilting, light conditions, diseases, watering, pest and much more! Below is an explanation for some of the most common problems that gardeners and farmers face when planting vegetable seeds.
Identifying and Treating Diseases

Seeds Do Not Germinate
Learning Download: Germination
This is a tricky one. Most of the time it will be an environmental condition and not the seeds. Most professional seed companies will not send seed that has been professionally tested at 85% germination. If it is just one seed variety then it may be the seed but if you have trouble with more than one it is most likely an environmental control.
Causes | Fixes |
Not given enough time Soil too cold Soil too dry Soil too wet Insects ate the seed Seed too old |
Wait longer Allow soil to warm up Water the soil Replant and make sure soil drains well Replant and protect seed. Relocate Use fresh seed |

Seedling Wilt and Die
Learning Download: Wilt
Seedlings can be very fragile. Keeping healthy growing conditions can be a challenge for people who work, have children or just don’t have time.
Causes | Fixes |
Dry soil Wet soil Too much fertilizer Pests |
Keep soil moist but not dry or damp Usually causes root rot and plant dies where stem meets the soil Seedlings don’t need fertilizer the first month of growth. Use a soiless mixture to start seeds Treat with organic insecticide |

Spindly and Reaching Plants
Learning Download: Spindly Plants
This is one of the most common occurrences for beginning gardeners. Tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetable stems will get long and skinny as though they are reaching for more light.
Causes | Fixes |
Not enough light Wet soil Crowded plants Too much nitrogen |
Use grow lights or sunny location. Do not burn plants. Slow watering. Improve drainage. Thin plants out. Increase spacing. Do not fertilize seedlings. |

Slow Growth
Learning Download: Slow Growth
Slow growth of vegetables plants can be a number of factors. Sometimes it can just be the nature of the plant to grow slow, other times it may be transplant shock.
Causes | Fixes |
Not enough light Temperature Nutrients Insects Disease |
Most vegetables need full light. Move to new location. Use row covers or cloths to protect from cold. Test soil, fix as needed. Identify insect doing damage and remove pest. Identify disease and fix: Disease Control and Identification |

Yellow Leaves
Learning Download: Yellow Leaves
Yellow leaves is a common problem on tomatoes for gardeners. It will affect other vegetables and usually means the same thing.
Causes | Fixes |
Nutrient Deficiency Not enough light |
Test soil, fix as needed. Most vegetables need full light. Move to new location. |

Poor Yields
Learning Download: Poor Yield
Poor yields can be attributed to several things that go wrong in the garden.
Causes | Fixes |
Weather Fertilizer No pollination Not mature Soil moisture |
Temperature too hot or cold. Grow varieties that are right for your climate. Test soil, fix as needed. Too much nitrogen Attract bees and butterflies with flowers. Give the plants more time to mature. Use mulch, keep soil moisture even. |